Презентация «General aspects of chemical structure and reactivity of organic compounds»

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Презентация «General aspects of chemical structure and reactivity of organic compounds»

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Information Discipline: Bioorganic chemistry Final assessment: test Lecturer: PhD, docent Irina Vyac
Information Discipline: Bioorganic chemistry Final assessment: test Lecturer: PhD, docent Irina Vyacheslavovna Tarasova (department of organic chemistry) e-mail: tarasova_iv_mrsu@mail. ru web:
General aspects of chemical structure and reactivity of organic compounds Lecture №1
General aspects of chemical structure and reactivity of organic compounds Lecture №1
Chemical bonding and mutual atoms’ influence in organic molecules
Chemical bonding and mutual atoms’ influence in organic molecules
Electronic configuration of carbon atom in organic molecules
Electronic configuration of carbon atom in organic molecules
Atomic orbitals
Atomic orbitals
Hybridization of orbitals Hybridization is the process of atomic orbitals alignment in form and ener
Hybridization of orbitals Hybridization is the process of atomic orbitals alignment in form and energy.
Chemical bonds in organic compounds Covalent bonds  - bond π - bond
Chemical bonds in organic compounds Covalent bonds  - bond π - bond
Conjugation Conjugation is the formation of delocalized electronic cloud in molecule as a result of
Conjugation Conjugation is the formation of delocalized electronic cloud in molecule as a result of p-orbitals overlap. π,π-Conjugation is the type of orbital interaction when the p-orbitals are …
Inductive effect Inductive effect (I) is the shifting of electrons in a -bond in response to electr
Inductive effect Inductive effect (I) is the shifting of electrons in a -bond in response to electronegativity of nearby atoms. present in any polar molecule; decrease and fade after 2-3 bonds. …
Mesomeric effect Mesomeric effect (М) is the shifting of electron density caused by a substituent in
Mesomeric effect Mesomeric effect (М) is the shifting of electron density caused by a substituent in conjugation system through p-orbital overlap. present only in conjugation systems; distribute …
Electron donors (D) and electron withdrawers (W)
Electron donors (D) and electron withdrawers (W)
Spatial structure of organic compounds
Spatial structure of organic compounds
Isomerism of organic compounds Isomers are the compounds which have the same composition but differe
Isomerism of organic compounds Isomers are the compounds which have the same composition but different sequence of atoms or their location in space, therefore have different properties.
Stereoisomerism Stereoisomers are the compounds that have the same order of atoms attachment but dif
Stereoisomerism Stereoisomers are the compounds that have the same order of atoms attachment but differ only in the arrangement of their atoms or groups in space.
Configuration is the arrangement of atoms and groups in space without regard to arrangements that di
Configuration is the arrangement of atoms and groups in space without regard to arrangements that differ only due to rotation about one or more single bonds. Configuration is the arrangement of atoms …
Chirality Chirality is the property of the object to be nonsuperposable with its mirror image. The s
Chirality Chirality is the property of the object to be nonsuperposable with its mirror image. The simple example of chirality is presence the chiral center in molecule. It may be carbon atom with …
Enantiomers Enantiomers are the stereoisomers, the molecules of which relate to each other as an obj
Enantiomers Enantiomers are the stereoisomers, the molecules of which relate to each other as an object and its nonsuperposable mirror image. enantiomers have the same physical and chemical …
Fischer projections
Fischer projections
D,L-Nomenclature Glyceraldehyde is the configurational standard. Fischer projection writes in “stand
D,L-Nomenclature Glyceraldehyde is the configurational standard. Fischer projection writes in “standard view”. We can do the interchanges or rotate the projection through 180o to achieve the …
R,S-Nomenclature The least substituent near the chiral center must lie at the bottom of the Fischer
R,S-Nomenclature The least substituent near the chiral center must lie at the bottom of the Fischer projection. Atoms attached directly to the chiral center are first arranged according to decreased …
Diastereomers Diastereomers are the stereoisomers that are not mirror images of one another. they ha
Diastereomers Diastereomers are the stereoisomers that are not mirror images of one another. they have different physical and chemical properties.
meso Compounds
meso Compounds
Acidity and basicity of organic compounds
Acidity and basicity of organic compounds
Acidity and basicity are the key notions, determining many fundamental physico-chemical and biochemi
Acidity and basicity are the key notions, determining many fundamental physico-chemical and biochemical properties of organic compounds. Acidity and basicity are the key notions, determining many …
Brønstedt-Lowry concept
Brønstedt-Lowry concept
Brønstedt acids Acidic site is a part of molecule that involves hydrogen together with an atom attac
Brønstedt acids Acidic site is a part of molecule that involves hydrogen together with an atom attached to it.
Brønstedt bases Basic site is a heteroatom with a lone-pair of electrons or a -bond which are capab
Brønstedt bases Basic site is a heteroatom with a lone-pair of electrons or a -bond which are capable to accept a proton.
Comparison the acidity The more stable is an anion, the stronger is an acid! The factors which influ
Comparison the acidity The more stable is an anion, the stronger is an acid! The factors which influence the stability of conjugate bases: electronegativity and polarizability of the atom in the …
The influence of atom nature in acidic site СН NH ОН SH СН NH ОН SH
The influence of atom nature in acidic site СН NH ОН SH СН NH ОН SH
The influence of substituents effects inductive effect mesomeric effect
The influence of substituents effects inductive effect mesomeric effect
Comparison the basicity The more stable is an cation and the more available a lone-pair of electrons
Comparison the basicity The more stable is an cation and the more available a lone-pair of electrons, the stronger is an base! The factors which influence the stability of conjugate acids is the same …
The influence of atom nature in the basic site S О N The influence of substituents effects
The influence of atom nature in the basic site S О N The influence of substituents effects
Lewis concept
Lewis concept

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