Презентация «Health care in kazakhstan»

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Презентация «Health care in kazakhstan»

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Health care in Kazakhstan.
Health care in Kazakhstan.
Healthcare in Kazakhstan is provided by a network of primary, secondary and tertiary care facilities
Healthcare in Kazakhstan is provided by a network of primary, secondary and tertiary care facilities. Healthcare facilities are largely owned and operated by the public sector represented by the …
National Medical Holding is an experimental health system located in capital city Astana. Its purpos
National Medical Holding is an experimental health system located in capital city Astana. Its purpose is to be "medical cluster", so new health technologies could be acquired, developed and …
One of executive branches in Kazakhstani government to control, regulate and organize the delivery o
One of executive branches in Kazakhstani government to control, regulate and organize the delivery of social services in public health and medical care. Currently the office head is Salidat …
The most common diseases are respiratory infections, cardiovascular conditions, and tuberculosis. Si
The most common diseases are respiratory infections, cardiovascular conditions, and tuberculosis. Since 2000, the incidence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) has increased, as has the incidence …
«Health care in kazakhstan», слайд 6
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«Health care in kazakhstan», слайд 8

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