Презентация «Here are the problems with the ecology in our village»

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Презентация «Here are the problems with the ecology in our village»

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Ecology The work performed by the pupils of the 8th class.
Ecology The work performed by the pupils of the 8th class.
Here are the problems with the ecology in our village
Here are the problems with the ecology in our village
Many people leave their cars on lawns
Many people leave their cars on lawns
The Msta visited the place of discharge Now our correspondent shows you the location of waste dispos
The Msta visited the place of discharge Now our correspondent shows you the location of waste disposal. Such landfills in the village of three pieces. In our village there is a former brewery which …
Around our village there is a river called the Civil
Around our village there is a river called the Civil
«Here are the problems with the ecology in our village», слайд 6
«Here are the problems with the ecology in our village», слайд 7

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