Презентация «Russia is my country»

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Презентация «Russia is my country»

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Russia is my country
Russia is my country
My country is the biggest in the world. It is 17 075 400 square kilometers. The population of My cou
My country is the biggest in the world. It is 17 075 400 square kilometers. The population of My country is the biggest in the world. It is 17 075 400 square kilometers. The population of my country …
Climate Climate in Russia is very different. Mostly it is mild. In the South of the country it is su
Climate Climate in Russia is very different. Mostly it is mild. In the South of the country it is subtropical. In winter average temperature is -15 - -20 degrees C. There are many rains in autumn in …
Coat of arms
Coat of arms
President of the Russian Federation
President of the Russian Federation
Moscow The capital of my country is Moscow. 10 562 000 people live in Moscow. The Kremlin is the mos
Moscow The capital of my country is Moscow. 10 562 000 people live in Moscow. The Kremlin is the most important building in Moscow. Russian President works in the Kremlin.
Thank You!
Thank You!

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