Презентация «The world of advertising.»

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Презентация «The world of advertising.»

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The world of advertising.
The world of advertising.
History of the rise of advertising Ancient traders just been exposed to competition problems, as wel
History of the rise of advertising Ancient traders just been exposed to competition problems, as well as modern businesses, and therefore the emergence of advertising has become quite reasonable step …
Printing machine for advertising Over the next several thousand years of history of advertising is u
Printing machine for advertising Over the next several thousand years of history of advertising is undergoing a significant metamorphosis, and so would have continued further, if in 1450, Gutenberg …
The first English-language newspaper At the 1622nd published in print first English-language newspap
The first English-language newspaper At the 1622nd published in print first English-language newspaper, which gave a powerful impetus to the development of advertising. In the 1630th Parisian doctor …
Founder of advertising The founder of the advertising in the United States was Benjamin Franklin, wh
Founder of advertising The founder of the advertising in the United States was Benjamin Franklin, who published "Gazzet" in 1723. Benjamin became the founder of a thriving advertising …
Advertising in Russia The revolution in the history of advertising has happened after the First Worl
Advertising in Russia The revolution in the history of advertising has happened after the First World War, when the competition between the monopolists has reached its peak. That's when …
So. Since the topic of my presentation "The world of advertising", then it should be part
So. Since the topic of my presentation "The world of advertising", then it should be part and my ad, and I decided that the object of advertising are my favorite perfume "Little Black …
Little Black Dress. The base note of flavor: ylang-ylang is a "flower of flowers" with a r
Little Black Dress. The base note of flavor: ylang-ylang is a "flower of flowers" with a richly sweet feminine scent that awakens the senses. If you are clothed in very little black dress. …
Always be elegant!
Always be elegant!
The end! Thanks for watching!
The end! Thanks for watching!

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