Презентация «Tricks and jokes in Mass media»

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Презентация «Tricks and jokes in Mass media»

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Tricks and jokes in Mass media project by Timofey Adrianov Teacher Hasmik Arakelyan
Tricks and jokes in Mass media project by Timofey Adrianov Teacher Hasmik Arakelyan
We are used to think that mass media is only for some kinds of programs as: We are used to think tha
We are used to think that mass media is only for some kinds of programs as: We are used to think that mass media is only for some kinds of programs as: soap operas and films on TV, monotonous music …
Swiss Spaghetti Plantations, BBC 1957 BBC told a story about Swiss farmers enjoying a bumper spaghet
Swiss Spaghetti Plantations, BBC 1957 BBC told a story about Swiss farmers enjoying a bumper spaghetti crop.
Stockings and Color TV, Sweden, 1962 Kjell Stensson, a “technical expert”, explained how to make bla
Stockings and Color TV, Sweden, 1962 Kjell Stensson, a “technical expert”, explained how to make black-and-white TV sets colored. «Like I said earlier, the viewing distance is of utmost importance. …
Flying penguins, BBC 2008 Here is BBC trick some people really believed this joke and discussed it a
Flying penguins, BBC 2008 Here is BBC trick some people really believed this joke and discussed it a lot on different forums. Fans of Linux liked this clip a lot because penguin is Linux logo. The …
Washing the Lions Many people in London received this invitation 150 years ago. No lions had been ke
Washing the Lions Many people in London received this invitation 150 years ago. No lions had been kept in the Tower for decades. Visitors have been sent to White Gate (there is no such gate in …
Kitten or Husband? In this newspaper advertisement one woman says that she will give a kitten or a h
Kitten or Husband? In this newspaper advertisement one woman says that she will give a kitten or a husband to good home because her husband doesn’t like cats. “Come see both & decide which you’d …
So we saw how some people made other to belive in lie. And I hope you won’t beleave if anybody will
So we saw how some people made other to belive in lie. And I hope you won’t beleave if anybody will try to catch you using such kinds of tricks in mass media So we saw how some people made other to …

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